TRAK is the leading manufacturer of personalized, high-quality cardboard tubes and pipes in Croatia, known for its cost-effectiveness and adaptability. Our products are ideal for a wide range of industries, providing optimal solutions for all your needs. Our team of experts is always available to assist you in selecting the best product. With top-notch equipment, extensive experience, and a high level of responsibility, TRAK has been successfully operating for 20 years. Our adaptability to various client requirements allows us to remain at the forefront of the cardboard tube and pipe industry.

Inner diameter: 8 mm to 400 mm

Lengths: 20 mm to 6000 mm

Wall thicknesses: 0.5 mm to 25 mm

TRAK started production in 2004. Through building successful relationships, Trak d.o.o. aims to protect the interests of its customers, business partners, employees, and the community in which they live and work.
In its assortment, TRAK offers a wide range of cardboard tubes and pipes, including anti-corrosion cardboard tubes. These innovative tubes provide a solution for all corrosion problems in the metal industry. Metal parts packed in anti-corrosion cardboard tubes are continuously protected from salty environments, moisture, condensate, aggressive industrial atmospheres, and corrosion caused by contact with different metals. The VpCI film evaporates and is absorbed over the entire surface of the metal in the packaging, ensuring complete protection of the products during storage and transport, especially overseas transport.

One of the greatest strengths of our company is our employees. A positive work atmosphere results in successfully completed tasks, ensuring the high quality of our products and services.
Motivation is our key asset that leads us to success. By constantly adapting to different requirements in various industries, we make ourselves and our partners more competitive in the market.

Our goal is to provide delivery service in the shortest possible time. We believe that performing tasks at the last minute is much more expensive than doing them ahead of time, so we always strive to be proactive and efficient in our processes.
Our goal is to provide delivery service in the shortest possible time. We believe that performing tasks at the last minute is much more expensive than doing them ahead of time, so we always strive to be proactive and efficient in our processes.

Jedna od najvećih snaga naše kompanije su upravo zaposlenici. Stoga dobri međusobni odnosi na kraju rezultiraju i uspješno obavljenim poslom.

Jedna od najvećih snaga naše kompanije su upravo zaposlenici. Stoga dobri međusobni odnosi na kraju rezultiraju i uspješno obavljenim poslom.
Motivacija je naš glavni adut i vodi nas ka uspjehu. Konstantna prilagodba različitim zahtjevima u različitim industrijama čini nas i naše partnere konkurentnijima na tržištu.

Cilj nam je pružiti uslugu isporuke u što kraćem vremenskom roku. "Izvođenje zadataka u posljednjem trenutku je mnogo skuplje nego prije tog trenutka."
Zahtjevi naših kupaca baziraju se na cijeni i kvaliteti. Ispunjavanjem tih zahtjeva zapravo kreiramo okruženje u koje se svi rado vraćaju.

Do you need a packaging partner?
If you have a well-established business or are considering additional packaging solutions, and you're interested in cardboard tubes, by completing our questionnaire, you can clarify any doubts and find out if you need to incorporate cardboard tubes into your business world.
Interested in learning more?
Simply get in touch with us if you have any further questions. We'll be happy to respond, and quickly at that.

One of the greatest strengths of our company is our employees. A positive work atmosphere results in successfully completed tasks, ensuring the high quality of our products and services.

Motivation is our key asset that leads us to success. By constantly adapting to different requirements in various industries, we make ourselves and our partners more competitive in the market.

Our goal is to provide delivery service in the shortest possible time. We believe that performing tasks at the last minute is much more expensive than doing them ahead of time, so we always strive to be proactive and efficient in our processes